Meet Ali

 Ali’s healthy lifestyle and positive outlook on life shines through in her teaching, with classes inspiring others to cultivate a life filled with love, health, and wellbeing.

Having completed 200+ hours of teacher training in sunny Mallorca, Ali is qualified in Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Hatha and Yin Yoga allowing her to offer a variety of styles. Like in life, Ali believes it is essential to get the right balance. In yoga terms heating and cooling, energizing and soothing, active, and passive, all with the breath at the heart.

‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ is one of the many quotes Ali has come to live by throughout her yoga journey and in life. Ali continues to grow in her yoga business, sharing her knowledge and experiences through weekly classes both in studio, on the beach and whilst hosting retreats. Biggest achievement in her business- September of this year, Ali is hosting her first ever overseas yoga retreat in sunny Mallorca.

Final note from Ali- ‘It has been said that my zest for life and meaning, shines through in my teaching, with classes inspiring others to cultivate a life filled with love, health, and wellbeing. This is my purpose.’

Try a class with Ali

Vibrant Vinyasa on Mondays 6:15pm until 7:15pm

A continuous flow linking a deliberate sequence of postures and core exercises with the breath; cultivating body awareness, muscle tone, flexibility and all-round strength. Students come away feeling energised, confident and motivated. Ali brings her motto; ‘Once befriending the mind, the opportunities are endless’ Yogis leave feeling energised, proud and accomplished.